women helping women build a strong foundation
Women Build
Habitat homeownership creates strength, stability, and independence through shelter for families in our community. Our annual Women Build brings together friends and colleagues from across our community to raise funds, walls, and awareness - creating an affordable homeownership opportunity for a family in Greater Cincinnati.
Happening May 2025
Women empowering women through homeownership.
We know that, together, women have the power to transform lives. Over the span of a month, groups of women will join together to raise funds, walls, and awareness to help a single mother achieve her dream of homeownership.
We need your help. Get involved. Contact Ashton Willson ashton.wilson@habitatcincinnati.org, 513-482-5612 for more information.

Why Women?
Women in our community are disproportionately impacted by the rising cost of housing. Women and children are more likely to be affected by poor living conditions than men. Women also face more barriers to stable housing than men in similar economic situations.
Men earn more on average than women, resulting in access to higher credit, better loans and better quality homes and neighborhoods.
Unequal caregiving responsibilities limit a woman’s ability to dedicate the necessary time to obtaining and maintaining consistent employment and decent housing.
Single women are denied mortgages at higher rates than single men, despite the fact women are more reliable at paying back mortgages.
How Women Build Helps
Through Women Build you can make access to affordable homeownership possible for local families in need. Last year, the majority of the families served through Habitat Greater Cincinnati's homeownership program were single mothers who had been living in unaffordable or overcrowded housing. Together with your support, we can help women in our community build strength, stability and self-reliance by becoming first-time homebuyers.
Habitat homeowners help build their homes alongside volunteers and pay an affordable mortgage. That mortgage won’t exceed 30% of a family's income, widely recognized as the threshold for affordable housing, making it easier to afford nutritious food, pay for necessary medical care, and save for the future.
Together we will empower women, empower families, and empower communities.
Why Habitat?
Habitat builds and renovates decent, affordable houses for people who make between 30%-80% of the area's median income. All partner homebuyers must demonstrate a reliable source of income as well as invest 250 hours of sweat equity in their home and in education classes. Houses are sold at no profit with a 0% interest, 30-year loan. The homeowner's mortgage payments are reinvested to build more Habitat homes.    
Affordable housing solutions help local families in need provide a stable, sustainable environment to build a better future:  
Children of homeowners are 25% more likely to graduate from high school, 116% more likely to graduate from college, and will earn 24% higher incomes.  
Homeowners are 28% more likely to vote in local elections and engage in civic, school, and community groups .
Homeowners are 34% more likely to have a retirement account.
Affordable housing (less than 30% of income) frees up family resources for other important expenses like nutritious food, job training, and healthcare expenditures .

No expereince necessary.
Any woman who wants to learn how to build a home is invited to join. No experience is necessary. Volunteers work under the guidance of construction professionals, alongside other volunteers and future Habitat homeowners. Whether you are learning new skills or simply adding a few to your tool belt, this is a rewarding experience for all involved, and it improves the community that you share.
Women Build is a terrific way to involve your friends and family of all ages in crucial work with a lasting impact. Women helping women sends a positive and powerful message. You can also come alone and make new friends. The atmosphere is collaborative and friendly.