building home
Real Estate Community Build
Real estate industry professionals know that homeownership matters to individuals, families, and communities. It matters because it provides a foundation for growth for families and children, and it strengthens communities and our economy.
The Real Estate Build brings together businesses and professionals in the real estate industry to construct a Habitat home.
coming June 2025
Join us for the annual
Real Estate Community Build!
Greater Cincinnati area housing institutions and related partners will come together again in 2025 to sponsor the Habitat Real Estate Build.   Are you a member of the real estate industry—realtors, lenders, mortgage brokers, title companies, mortgage lenders, and others— interested in making a difference for a family in your community? For more information email Kerry Hendel at kerry.hendel@habitatcincinnati.org

Building a strong foundation for families.
Homeownership, especially affordable homeownership, impacts a family and community for generations. When families are able to purchase a safe and stable home that they can afford, they are able to stay stable in their home, invest in their community, and provide a stable foundation for their children as they become adults. The Real Estate Community Build changes lives by creating an affordable homeownership opportunity for a hard-working family.

"If I didn't have this home, I wouldn't have had the degree that I have now. I wouldn’t have been able to push my kids to go to school or get the degrees they have. [...] I work not even a mile away. I'm able to still work with the kids in my community and to give back. That's what I'm able to do, so that's what owning my home allows me to do."
-Marnita, Habitat Homeowner since 2006
For the professionals that make Greater Cincinnati home.
We know that real estate professionals are passionate about helping families create home. By teaming up with other real estate industry professionals, Real Estate Community Build has the power to raise funds, walls, and awareness to change the life of a family through affordable homeownership.​
With the support of their institutions and networks, teams of real estate industry professionals will work alongside a Habitat homebuyer to construct a Habitat home. When the home is complete, the homebuyer will purchase the home with a 0% interest mortgage giving them a strong foundation for their future.
Why Habitat?
Habitat builds and renovates decent, affordable houses for people who make between 30%-80% of the area's median income. All partner homebuyers must demonstrate a reliable source of income as well as invest 250 hours of sweat equity in their home and in education classes. Houses are sold at no profit with a 0% interest, 30-year loan. The homeowner's mortgage payments are reinvested to build more Habitat homes.    
Affordable housing solutions help local families in need provide a stable, sustainable environment to build a better future:  
Children of homeowners are 25% more likely to graduate from high school, 116% more likely to graduate from college, and will earn 24% higher incomes.  
Homeowners are 28% more likely to vote in local elections and engage in civic, school, and community groups .
Homeowners are 34% more likely to have a retirement account.
Affordable housing (less than 30% of income) frees up family resources for other important expenses like nutritious food, job training, and healthcare expenditures .
Get Involved
Lead a Team
Create a team to raise funds to build the Real Estate Community home. Your team will work towards reaching a financial goal and spend a day volunteering together.
Teams are asked to raise $2,500 to cover the cost of materials and will be invited to help build the home at a team build day.