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Global Village Trips

Habitat for Humanity International builds in more than 80 countries around the world, working in local villages and communities to address the most urgent housing and health needs.


Each year Habitat for Humanity “tithes” 10% of privately raised undesignated funds to support Habitat’s mission worldwide with a goal of eliminating poverty housing and homelessness. Our tithe goes towards building homes in Nepal, Cambodia, El Salvador, and Kenya. Our tithe has made it possible for more than 1,000 families in Kenya, El Salvador, Cambodia, and Nepal to have decent, affordable housing.

Interested in joining a Global Village Trip? 

We are thrilled to announce that Global Village is back! 


After a break following the pandemic, Habitat for Humanity of Greater Cincinnati will be traveling to Kenya in November as part of Global Village.


HFHGC trip opportunities are closed at this time.


Check back for information about trips through Habitat for Humanity of Greater Cincinnati. 



our global tithe partners

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